Our firm represents a wide range of clients in several forums throughout the Republic of South Africa, including Magistrates Courts, High Courts, the Supreme Court of Appeal and the Constitutional Court. We have also had matters in specialist forums such as the Land Claims Court, Appeals Boards, tribunals and various ombudsman.
This department handles a wide and diverse range of disputes including:
- matrimonial and family
- constitutional law
- administrative and public law
- corporate governance
- company and commercial law
- unlawful competition
- restraints of trade
- tax litigation
- debt recoveries and foreclosures
- banking law
- insurance law
- medical negligence law
- personal injury law
- labour and employment law
- property disputes
- town planning and construction law
- land claims
- environmental law
- product liability
- consumer protection
- protection of personal information
- estate disputes
- insolvency and liquidation applications
- tender disputes
candidate Attorneys
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